What is a flood zone determination? A Flood Zone Determination (a.k.a. flood hazard determination) is an official declaration, made by an authorized entity (like a lending institution), or an independent vendor (such as myFloodZone.com), which states whether or not a property and/or structure lies within a Special Flood Hazard Area [SFHA]. Flood zone determinations are required to be published on the Standard Flood Hazard Determination form.
Who should have a flood zone determination? ALL homeowners and renters should know the flood zone status of their residence and should have a certified flood zone determination in their possession.
How are flood determinations performed? Federal laws mandate the method by which flood zone determinations should be performed. All determinations should be based on the information depicted on the Flood Insurance Rate Map [FIRM], or the digital equivalent, for the community in which the building or property lies. A FIRM (generally referred to as a "flood map") is a map that shows community features, such as streets, highways, and corporate boundaries, and any SFHAs that may lie within that community. Some determinations are automated using digital data while others are completed manually by skilled Flood Map Technicians using the original, printed FIRMs.